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English short story: A Lion and a mouse

A friend in need is a friend indeed Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day, after a heavy meal he wa...

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Problem of wisdom tooth and being wise.

After my some infection my my wisdom tooth gum, my dentist said, gums are not fully developed for wisdom teeth these days so the sometimes food gets stuck in there which leads to infection.
He suggested me to extract my left lower jaw wisdom tooth.
The infection has led to swelling even till my neck, can't eat for third consecutive day now.
Problems are recurring. One after another.
Nasser Gorsi

PS: There is a saying in India: Whatever a guy with 32 teeth speaks,just happens for sure.
People often ask me if I have 32 teeth. I smile and say, I assess the situation and then tell the outcome before it happens.
Of course, everybody can't assess.

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