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English short story: A Lion and a mouse

A friend in need is a friend indeed Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day, after a heavy meal he wa...

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Tent pitching at Churdhar trek, the very place where the Sanjeevni Booty was found

Tent pitching while on the way to Churdhar at some dhaba area. The area is over a ridge where it blows too fast to stay actually. The Dharamshala is around 4 kms ahead of this point. But since we started our trek little late, we had no option but to stay here.
We couldn't find a good spot at the end of the day so we wanted to settle as soon as we could. But this particular point was terrible as it blew so fast that our tents got wet from outside within minutes.
You must carry your sleeping bags, woolen caps, sweater and jackets for the night.
If you are lucky, you may get little signal on your phone. But there is no electricity, just carry your own lights.
At the temporary hutment, you can get food, maggie, rice, and place to sleep at Rs 150 per night ($3).

Nasser Gorsi

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