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English short story: A Lion and a mouse

A friend in need is a friend indeed Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day, after a heavy meal he wa...

Monday 15 February 2016

Did you kow these sounds of animals, birds and nature?

Sounds of animals, birds and nature

1. Horses neigh
2. Horses whinny
3. Bulls bellow
4. Sheep and goats bleat
5. Boars grunt
6. Dogs bark
7. Cats mew
8. Cats purr
9. Lions and tigers roar

10. Hyaenas laugh
11. Jackals howl
12. Snakes hiss
13. Frogs croak
14. Turkeys gobble
15. Cocks crow
16. Ducks quack
17. Hens cluck
18. Doves coo
19. Ravens croak
20. Sparrows chirp

21. Thrushes warble
22. Bees and flies hum
23. Thunder crashes
24. Leaves rustle
25. Cauldrons babble
26. Clocks tick
27. Whips crack

28. Doors squeak
29. Teeth grind
30. Rain patters
31. Waves roll
32. Swords clash
33. Arms clatter
34. Water purls
35. Water simmers.

Contributed by Nasser Gorsi

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