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English short story: A Lion and a mouse

A friend in need is a friend indeed Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day, after a heavy meal he wa...

Monday 20 November 2017

Names of baby animals

Animal             Young

Alligator           hatchling
Ant                   antling
Antelope          calf, fawn, kid or yearling
Ass                   foal
Badger             cub
Bear                 cub
Beaver             kit, kitten, pup
Bee                  larva
Bird                 nestling, hatchling, chick
Bison               calf
Boar                boarlet, piglet, shoat, farrow
Bobcat            kitten or cub
Buffalo           calf, yearling, or spike-bull
Camel            calf or colt
Canary           chick
Caribou          calf or fawn
Cat                 kit, kitling, kitten or pussy
Cattle             calf, stot or yearling (m. bullcalf or f. heifer)
Chicken         chick, chicken, poult, cockerel or pullet
Cicada           nymph
Cod               codling, scrod or sprag
Cougar          kitten or cub
Coyote          whelp, pup
Deer              fawn
Dog               whelp or puppy

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