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English short story: A Lion and a mouse

A friend in need is a friend indeed Once upon a time there lived a lion in a forest. One day, after a heavy meal he wa...

Friday 31 October 2014

Do you forget things easily? Here is a remedy.

                                                  Ever wonder why do you forget things easily?

My work shift was to start at 7 in the evening. I went to gym for I had been planning for quite sometime. After workout, I went to a nearby shop to buy an energy drink. I asked the shopkeeper, an old man, for a Gatorade. In the meantime, a guy came running and breathing hard. He pleadingly told the old man that he had forgotten to pay him for soya milk some minutes ago. I recalled one of my friends telling me that once he left home on a motorbike. He felt the striking air, his hair and had a great experience of riding as he had never felt before. At a light point, he saw his face in the bike mirror and ran his fingers through his hair. Suddenly, he realised that he had forgotten to wear a helmet. I wonder why are people, sometimes, so careless or tend to forget things. Perhaps, a day’s hard work and poor attention to one’s self is the cause. Sometimes, the very thing people are looking for is just before them but they fail to notice it. Probably, their unconscious mind is preoccupied in many other thoughts. I know a friend who not only remembers 18 different houses in various locations across the city, but also the timing to reach there. He always remembers when he has to mow his lawn, date girls, etc. His claim of being the most attentive man in the world seems to fall flat when he forgets about the stuff he keeps in his room. Then he asks his mother, “Had you been my pen, where could I have kept you?” He even asked me if I had been his bike key, where would I be lying. Once a hundred-rupee note he was looking for, was found atop a car parked outside his home. “Probably, I might have been talking on the phone and put it there absentmindedly,” he made a hurried excuse. I wonder if we, humans, have made our lives so complex that we often forget many things. A guy, who bought an examination form from the university for an improvement exam one month prior to the closing date, filled it on the last date. Of course, he had forgotten the very form for which he had waited for one long year.
My mother does not remember to take her medicines on time. She even asks me to buy her regular medicines at the eleventh hour instead of informing me two or thee days before. During my stint as a teacher in a university, I vividly recall my students forgetting their books, to prepare for the tests but never their mobile phones. I remember a girl whose boy friend forgot to wish on her birthday and the day went terribly wrong for she fought with him. Many a time, we ask the other person to repeat what he or she had spoken. Logically, we do understand it at once, but either out of habit or sheer carelessness we need repetition. It was half past six in the evening.
I was getting late and was still waiting for my energy drink. I had been waiting for at least five minutes but my drink had not been given to me. I told the man on the counter, “No problem, I can wait till tomorrow morning for my drink.” The man remarked, “Sir, your drink is in front of you. It’s up to you if you want to wait till next morning.”

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